Over the next few posts we are going to be looking at the gospel in the stars, how the stars tell us more about Jesus and prophecy. We are told in Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork.” And in Psalm 147:4 it says, “He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.” When we know what God calls the stars we get a fuller picture of what He has to say about His plans and purposes for mankind, the world and prophecy in general.

God created the stars and He set them in their place, He created the zodiac to paint a picture but unfortunately satan has distorted this picture and created the lies of horoscopes. Satan tells us that the zodiac is all about us (typical in his pride) but the zodiac when read correctly is actually a picture of Jesus, the Son of God, being born of a virgin, suffering on the cross and then later coming to rule and reign.

Much of this prophetic picture has been lost as satan’s lies have creeped in but if we search we can still find this information and once again glorify God the way He should be glorified.

Over the course of the next few posts in this series we are going to be having a look at the different constellations, their decans and stars and the picture that they paint about Christ. Please note that this in no way means I am promoting horoscopes or the distortions that have entered the zodiac – these are lies of satan and need to be avoided at all costs. Do NOT read ‘your’ horoscope! The true story behind the zodiac is actually all about Christ and the best place to read it is in the Bible.

We will be providing plenty of Biblical evidence for the pictures we present in the zodiac and we encourage you to dig further to find out more of the truth as it is truly wonderful! Before people had the Bible, and remember that in terms of God’s history with man the Bible is a relatively new creation, people had creation to teach them about God and so it makes perfect sense that God spoke to people through the stars.

We see in Matthew that the wise men knew how to find Jesus and that He would be the King of the Jews because they followed the stars. We will be looking at this in more depth in the next post but it serves as proof that people used the stars to learn about God and that it did lead them to Jesus.

If you would like to learn more you can also follow our YouTube channel, the video for this post is at

We look forward to sharing more about the gospel in the stars with you over the next few weeks.

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