The next constellation we get to in the Gospel in the Stars is Libra, which are the scales and refer to Daniel 5:27 “You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.”

The three brightest stars are Zuben al genubi meaning “the purchase or price that is deficient”, Zuben al Chemali meaning “the price which covers” and Zuben Akrabi or Zuben Al Akrab which mean “the price of the conflict” and so in this sign we see that although we were weighed on the scales and found wanting that Jesus paid the price that covered that we might be redeemed.

Crux – The Southern Cross

The next decan in this constellation is that of Crux, or the Southern Cross, the interesting thing about this sign is that it has gradually been moving South and the last time it was seen in the Northern Hemisphere was at the time of Jesus’ death on the cross. The cross is the image of the last Hebrew letter that means ‘it is finished’ and this is what Jesus said when He died on the cross, ‘it is He finished’, He has accomplished our salvation. The Hebrew name for this constellation is Adom meaning ‘to cut off’ and means that Jesus’ sacrifice was made once for all.

In the Denderah zodiac crux is shown not as a cross but as a thirsty lion being given something to drink by a woman. This refers to the verse Ps 22:13-18 “I am poured out like water…my strength is dried up” and Ps 69:21 which says “in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink”. The Egyptian name of this sign is Sera meaning victory and what a great victory was accomplished at the cross!

Lupus or Victima

The second decan in this sign is Lupus or Victima. It’s name in ancient Hebrew was Asedah and in Arabic Asedaton, both of these words meaning “to be slain”. Another ancient name for this sign was Sura meaning a sheep or lamb and so in this sign we see Is 53:7 “He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb; so He opened not His mouth.” This sign represents Jesus laying down His life for our sins so that He could pay the price that covers.


The last decan in this sign is Corona or the Crown, it is the crown for which Jesus endured the cross. In Greek it’s name was Ariadne meaning “who comes to reign”.

So in this sign we see Jesus, first slain as the victim on the cross, but coming again to receive the crown and rule and reign forever. We see that although we were weighed on the scales and found wanting that He paid the price to cover our sins so that one day we may live for eternity with Him.

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