“Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call Him Immanuel.” Is 7:14 (NIV)

In this first sign of the Gospel in the Stars we see the prophecy of the Virgin mentioned in Isaiah 7:14, and the coming of the Desired Branch and Seed of Woman.

The sign of Virgo itself is a picture of a young woman holding a branch in one hand and a sheaf of wheat in the other. The brightest star is found in the sheaf of wheat and is called either Al Zimach meaning “the Branch” or Spica meaning “an ear of corn” or “the seed”. Both of these are prophetic pictures of Jesus who is called both the Branch in Zech 3:8, 6:12 and Jer 23:5,6 as well as the Seed such as in Gen 3:15.

Coma: The Desired One

The next decan in the sign of Virgo is that of Coma and once again the picture is that of a young woman holding a baby. This baby is The Desired of All Nations i.e. Jesus Christ and the ancient people knew this, here is a quotation from Albumazar, an ancient Arabian Astronomer of the 8th century, “There arises in the first decan, as the Persians, Chaldeans and Egyptians and the two Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy (the boy, I say) having a Hebrew name , by some nations called IHESU with the signification IEZA, which in Greek is called CHRISTOS”. A latin translation of this work can be found in the British Museum and in it he explains that the Persians understood the meanings of these signs and it was Persian priests (the magi) who followed the star that arose in this constellation to find the baby Jesus when He was born.


Often when we see a combination of two different things in the Bible it is to symbolize Jesus’ dual nature as fully God and fully man and so the same is found in Centaurus. The Arabic and Chaldaic name for this sign was Al Beze which means “the despised” and refers to Jesus as in Is 53:3 “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” The Hebrew name for this constellation was Asmeath meaning “a sin offering” and in Greek it was Cheiron meaning “the pierced” and so in this sign we see Jesus as the suffering servant, despised and rejected of men and dying for our sins so that we may be forgiven.


The last decan we come to in the constellation of Virgo is Bootes which comes from the root word Bo which means ‘to come’ in Hebrew and refers to Jesus as ‘The Coming One’ as in Ps 96:13 “Before the Lord: for He cometh, he cometh to judge the earth, he shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth.”

The picture of Bootes is a picture of a man walking with a sickle in one hand and a spear in the other. His Greek name was Arcturus which also means ‘He cometh’ and in Egypt he was Smat which means “One who rules, subdues and governs”. 

Jesus came as a suffering servant to forgive us our sins but He is also coming again one day to rule and reign. This is the meaning of this sign as a whole, He who was born of a virgin, was fully God and fully man, but he was despised of men and died as a sin-offering for our sins but one day He will return to rule and reign. For more information about this sign you can watch our YouTube video at

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